For the past 15 years, we’ve proudly stood as an independent software development company, offering unique and customized solutions tailored to the evolving needs of the market. Our success is rooted in cost-effective and easily deployable solutions. Each of our team members brings a wealth of experience in information technology, with a collective journey that spans back to the advent of personal computers in 1984. In addition to ad-hoc engagements, we have crafted several software solutions designed for general use, particularly catering to the diverse needs of companies. Since 2004, Microsoft has recognized and endorsed our work through the EMPOWER ISV program’s contract. One of our flagship products is the Universal – Rental Software for Windows. Originally introduced in our local market, its success propelled us to expand sales throughout the European Union and ultimately the global market. This Windows version, an evolution from the conventional DOS-based system, addresses contemporary demands with a unique approach. The system, initially based on distinctive plans, has garnered worldwide acclaim, becoming accessible to rental companies across the USA, Asia, and the EU.


As we gaze into the future, our commitment to excellence drives us to elevate our software solutions continually. Recent strides include the comprehensive renewal of our branding and software’s design, embracing a modernized look that aligns seamlessly with contemporary trends and user expectations. The revamped design is a testament to our dedication to providing not only functional but aesthetically pleasing solutions. We believe that a software’s user interface is as crucial as its functionality, and the upcoming new design reflects our commitment to enhancing the overall user experience. But that’s just the beginning. We’re excited to share that this is just one of many upcoming updates in our pipeline. Our development team is hard at work, integrating cutting-edge features and functionalities to further empower our users. Stay tuned for more innovations as we continue to push the boundaries of what our software can achieve. Our vision extends beyond the present, and we are committed to remaining at the forefront of technological advancements.

Meet the Founders

Rooted in the dynamic synergy of a tech-savvy father and a design lover daughter.

János Evelley
Product Developer
Flóra Evelley